
Right bank, fully secured with energy for Thursday. Fan-shaped disconnections continue on the left bank

The required volume of electricity for the right bank of the Nistru River is fully secured for Thursday, January 23. According to the Government Crisis Cell, there is no need to activate emergency contracts. However, on the left bank of the Nistru, there continues to be an electricity deficit, resulting in daily fan-shaped disconnections that last for five hours each time.

According to the cited source, electricity consumption today is expected to be similar to that of yesterday. The necessary commercial capacity at the border with Romania has been fully reserved to supplement domestic production with imports.

Official data indicates that energy consumption decreased by about 3.1% compared to the previous day. Energy was supplied from various sources, including SA "Termoelectrica" (26.22%), SA "CET-Nord" (3.86%), SE "NHE Costești" (0.43%), renewable energy (3.87%), and imports from Romania (65.62%).

During the peak period of 17:00 to 20:00, maximum consumption reached 992 MW, with actual consumption exceeding the forecast by 5.2%.

In this context, consumers are encouraged to conserve electricity during peak hours to lower their bills and help maintain the stability of the electricity system.

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