
Electronic signatures for university applications: What you need to know

Starting this year, young people will be able to submit their university admission applications online using an electronic signature, as announced by the Moldovan Minister of Education and Research, Dan Perciun.

This initiative, carried out in partnership with the Agency for Electronic Government and with the support of mobile network operators, aims to increase the number of graduates choosing to study at universities in the country.

"In 2025, we will continue this practice, which simplifies the process for all graduates submitting their documents to universities. Additionally, we will expand it. Compared to 2024, both undergraduate and master’s admission applications will be able to be submitted online through We have another important update: we place great importance on data accuracy and aim to promote the use of electronic signatures. Therefore, starting in 2025, possessing an electronic signature will be required to access this information system," said Dan Perciun.

The electronic signature not only facilitates the submission of university documents but also grants access to additional benefits, such as the cultural voucher. Young people turning 18 can automatically receive one thousand lei to purchase books, attend performances, or concerts, as stated by Nicoleta Colomeeț, Director of the Agency for Electronic Government.

"In fact, the electronic signature opens the door to the benefits of digitization and the advantages offered by the state in terms of digital infrastructure. This includes the unique government application for accessing public services, EVO, which is available for free on both mobile operating systems, and there are additional benefits," said Nicoleta Colomeeț.

It is worth mentioning that, to support graduates, the Ministry of Education, along with its partners, has launched a campaign aimed at ensuring approximately 20,000 young people have an electronic signature by early May. As part of this campaign, ministry representatives, together with the Agency for Electronic Government and major mobile network operators, will visit over 300 high schools and 49 colleges across the country, providing students with the opportunity to finalize their electronic signature.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Olga Mînzat

Olga Mînzat


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