Igor Grosu in Strasbourg: Moldova's democracy is severely tested by the Kremlin regime

The situation in the Republic of Moldova and the efforts made by the authorities to strengthen democracy and state institutions and maintain peace in the country were presented by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, on the first day of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament held in Strasbourg.
The Parliament Speaker noted that democracy in the Republic of Moldova has been severely tested by the Kremlin regime for more than 30 years, reads a statement from the Chisinau Parliament.
All these years, the internal policies of the Republic of Moldova have been directed by politicians who sold out to criminal groups that stole the country's resources or those who sold the country to the Kremlin, maintained energy dependence on Gazprom and promoted Russia's propaganda channels. In the last elections, with an unprecedented involvement from the Russian Federation, with 3 years of unjust and inhuman war on the border, with an entire propaganda machine, our voice, of those who want peace and to live in democracy, freedom, was stronger.
Igor Grosu noted that despite the complicated circumstances, Moldovans proved that they know how to fight for democracy and that they want to be respected.
Our democracy may be fragile, but it is certainly authentic and will resist. We know that by involving citizens in political processes, the most grandiose projects can be achieved. For us, Moldovans, democracy means peace, prosperity and freedom, and authoritarianism means war, fear, hunger and poverty. Moldovans realised that the European development vector is closely linked to democracy and freedom.
Over 60 presidents and vice-presidents of Parliaments from Council of Europe member states, partner states or observer states and about 400 delegates gathered at the Strasbourg summit to discuss a series of current topics. This year's discussions will be focused on three thematic sessions – defending democracy; guaranteeing freedom of expression in times of polarization and uncertainty; violence against politicians.