
CBS Research poll: 40% of Moldovans believe Russian Federation is to blame for provoking war in Ukraine

Forty percent of Moldovans consider what is happening now in Ukraine to be an unjustified invasion by the Russian Federation, and 25% say Vladimir Putin is to blame for provoking the war, a poll conducted by CBS Research on behalf of the WatchDog Community shows. The impact of Russian propaganda and disinformation is still at a high level in the Republic of Moldova, according to the survey data.

The biggest blame for the war in Ukraine lies with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the study's authors. SBS Research sociologist Vasile Cantaji added that it is worrying that Russian propaganda falsehoods are accepted by the citizens of our country.

"Who bears the greatest blame for the war in Ukraine. Putin-25 percent, 18 percent-US, 17 percent- Russian Federation, 12 percent- Ukrainian leadership and 19 percent- NATO bloc. Who is right in this military conflict? Ukraine-36.4 percent; Almost 19 percent attribute rightness to the Russian Federation, with all kinds of news circulating about different forces trying to arm Moldova-36.4 percent say NATO and the EU."

The sociologists also measured the impact of these misinformation campaigns or contradictory discussions in society. According to WatchDog expert Valeriu Pasha, 47.7% of respondents do not believe that the Russian Federation is a threat to Moldova's security, and 42.% believe it is a threat.

"The first question is whether the Republic of Moldova should agree to support Russia in the war in Ukraine in exchange for cheap gas - the absolute majority are against 72%, only 14% are for. The next question is whether you consider the Russian Federation a threat to security in Moldova. There are only 42.3 percent who say yes and 47.7 percent who say no."

Should Moldovan citizens have to choose between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union led by the Russian Federation, 53.5% would vote for EU membership, while for the Eastern vector - 23.8%.

According to the survey, more than 36% of citizens would vote to unite with Romania, while around 27% would want to join NATO.

The survey was conducted between 17-26 January on a sample of 1001 respondents, with a margin of error of ±3.1%.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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