
Moldovagaz wants to switch to measuring gas in kilowatt-hours

"Moldovagaz", "Energocom", as well as the gas transport companies "Moldovatransgaz" and "Vestmoldtransgaz", will submit a joint approach to the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) regarding the creation of a regulatory framework for passing the natural gas measurement unit from cubic meters to kilowatts/megawatt-hours. The implementation of the new rules is proposed starting from the current July 1.

This practice is widespread in EU countries, ensuring a more accurate accounting of gases in the process of their delivery-reception at border interconnection points, in the wholesale market and in the gas distribution network, taking into account the current calorific value of them and other parameters, say representatives of "Moldovagaz".

According to the company, the transition to a new gas measuring unit will not require replacing the gas measuring equipment (meters), and the consumption in kilowatt-hours will be calculated based on a special formula.

At the same time, the participants in the gas market propose, starting from March, the implementation of the capacity reservation procedure to be based not on the daily tenders for the sale of natural gas, but on the monthly ones, held on the European RBP platform. This will improve the efficiency of the relations between "Energocom" and "Moldovagaz", from which the supplier currently purchases natural gas, according to "Moldovagaz" representatives.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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