The number of cases of illicit traffic in money increased in 2022
The number of cases of illicit traffic in money in 2022 increased by 140% compared to the previous year, according to the data presented by the Border Police.
During 2022, 24 incidents were recorded and 27 people were documented, and in 2021 – only ten cases and 11 people investigated. Most of the people documented for illicit money trafficking are Ukrainian citizens, followed by citizens from the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Romania, Tajikistan, Armenia and Turkey. According to the legislation, citizens who intend to transport monetary amounts that exceed the value threshold of 10,000 euros are obliged to declare the currency values in writing to the customs body of the Republic of Moldova. Otherwise, individuals are subject to misdemeanor or criminal penalties, as appropriate, and the undeclared difference may be forfeited.