
EU and US react to the SCJ decisions regarding the evaluation of judges: Moldovan citizens deserve an independent judiciary

The US Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova came up with statements in which they support the activity of the Pre-vetting Commission and reiterate their support for our country's European path.

“The US joins our international partners in supporting Moldova on its European path. Moldovan citizens deserve a justice system that has independence, integrity, efficiency, accountability, and transparency. The reform of the judiciary is a key element on Moldova’s path to EU membership.

The work of the Independent Evaluation Commission to assess the integrity of candidates for membership positions in the self-administration bodies of judges and prosecutors is an important foundation for judicial reform in Moldova. It has resulted in a vetted Superior Council of Magistracy, and vetted candidates for the Superior Council of Prosecutors who are ready to be appointed. The Commission has demonstrated its professionalism and thoroughness, and we commend its work throughout this process.

On 1 August the Supreme Court of Justice decided to return to the Commission for re-examination of 21 cases that had not passed vetting. We trust that the Independent Evaluation Commission will analyze the reasoning of the Court in detail and will consider its findings by applying its expertise and professionalism in re-evaluating these appeals in accordance with their independent mandate, the national law, as well as European and international standards”, reads the statement of the US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova.

We remind you that on August 1, the Supreme Court of Justice decided that 21 cases that did not pass the pre-vetting commission assessment must be re-examined.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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