
Former Romanian negotiator: Moldova on track for EU membership

Moldova has made significant progress in meeting the criteria for EU membership, former Romanian EU accession negotiator Vasile Pușcaș told Radio Moldova.

Sursa: zf.ro

Pușcaș said that the 33 chapters of the EU acquis, which Moldova must negotiate, are interdependent. The chapters on justice and the rule of law, the internal market, and financial instruments are the most difficult to negotiate, he said.

"Now, these criteria have a very extensive content and substance, and are not always easy to implement," Pușcaș said. "From what I have seen, Moldova has made remarkable progress. All chapters are difficult, but those related to justice, the rule of law, the internal market, the financial framework, and financial instruments are very difficult. Each chapter is difficult because they are totally interdependent, and only by seeing them in this interdependence can a positive result be achieved regarding accession."

Pușcaș will be training Moldovan officials in Chisinau in September on the EU accession negotiations.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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