
Transporters threaten protests over changes to Road Transport Code

Transporters in Moldova are threatening protests if proposed changes to the Road Transport Code are not cancelled. The changes would eliminate the automatic renewal of road permits, which the transporters say could lead to unfair competition and job losses.

The Association of Automobile Carriers, which represents over 90% of carriers in the country, has called on the government to withdraw the proposed changes.

"We will protest, we will go to European institutions as well," said Oleg Alexa, the president of the association. "They will take our permits because they have expired, they will be put up for competition, and the conditions for participating in it are not clear."

The government has said that the proposed changes are necessary to improve the efficiency of the transport sector. However, the transporters say that the changes would be harmful to their businesses.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Serafim Gangan

Serafim Gangan


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