
Study: Every third person in the Republic of Moldova suffers from at least one chronic disease

Every third person in the Republic of Moldova suffers from at least one chronic disease, according to the data of a study carried out by the Ministry of Health and the National Bureau of Statistics. Specialists say that with advancing age, the risks of developing a chronic disease, especially diseases of the circulatory system, increase.

According to them, chronic diseases can be prevented and treated primarily by practicing a healthy lifestyle.

In 2021, of the total population, more than 31 percent indicated that they suffer from at least one chronic disease. Among the most widespread diseases are those of the circulatory system, with a higher frequency among women, especially in villages, study data reveals. In addition to the genetic factors that influence the appearance of these diseases, there are also factors related to age, explained in an interview for Radio Moldova, the head of the Directorate for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases within the National Agency for Public Health, Nelea Tabuncic.

According to her, chronic diseases can be prevented and treated by changing behavior, practicing a healthy way of life, exercise and proper nutrition.

"Chronic diseases develop over time, the main risk factors that contribute to the development of non-communicable diseases are behavioral risk factors, namely: tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption. At the national level, a number of programs have been implemented to reduce risk factors, to reduce alcohol consumption, and healthy eating with less salt, sugar and fat", says Nelea Tabuncic.

According to her, non-communicable diseases represent a major challenge in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, nine out of ten Moldovans die from non-communicable diseases, especially diseases of the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.

Ionela Golban

Ionela Golban


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