
The state will provide 80 apartments to Chernobyl veterans and their families

The state will offer 80 apartments to people who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The residential blocks located on Alba Iulia str. have one, two or three rooms each and can also be received by members of the families of deceased veterans.

In order to obtain the apartment, the potential beneficiaries must be Moldovan citizens, have the identification card of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and not own any other homes, land for construction or houses surrounded by orchards.

According to a draft subject to consultation, eligible are people who have not alienated or donated a home owned in private ownership or common property, obtained after 1986, have not benefited from allowances for the procurement or construction of homes and have not participated in the privatization of properties.

In case of death of the veteran, who was together with his family in the records of the local public administration authorities for housing insurance, the next of kin are eligible to receive the housing. The condition is that the spouses are not remarried or the children are not 18 or 23 if they are students.

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