
Nicolae Negru: The Republic of Moldova has the moral and legal right to ask the EU on June 25 to approve the negotiation framework

The Republic of Moldova has the moral and legal right to ask the European Union on June 25 for the approval of the negotiation framework. The statement was made by the columnist Nicolae Negru, during the "In Context" show on Moldova 1 TV.

"When the Republic of Moldova - European Union Association Council was held, Mr. High Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement said that it would be good if we also appointed a general prosecutor. And this happened. Now it's about the negotiation framework, the actual start of the negotiations. It is important to establish this framework, to know where we are starting from and where we are going", declared Nicolae Negru.

We remind that 12 states from the European Union have sent a letter to the rotating Belgian presidency requesting the start of the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine before the end of the current month. According to the Czech media, the initiator of the call was the government in Prague, which obtained the signatures of Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania, Germany, Slovenia, Romania and Slovakia. The letter is addressed to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib.

The Czech Minister of European Affairs, Martin Dvorak, said that the signatory countries support the Belgian presidency for the start of negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to be officially announced this month. Martin Dvorak mentioned that he is confident that this will be a good decision, considering the efforts made by both candidate countries. On the eve, the vice-prime minister for European integration, Cristina Gherasimov, expressed her hope that the official launch of the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union will take place by the end of the Belgian presidency, i.e. by the end of June.

We remind you that in June 2023, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine obtained candidate country status for joining the European Union. Later, in December 2023, the European Council decided to give the green light to the EU accession negotiations for the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

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