
Ursula von der Leyen: Countries must support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine

Ukraine strives for independence and self-determination. “We are here to help end a brutal and unjust war that has destroyed streets and displaced millions of people”, said the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, during her speech at the Ukraine Peace Conference, held in Switzerland.

According to the official, countries must support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine. One that would restore the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

World leaders gathered in Switzerland on Saturday for a "peace summit in Ukraine" aimed at pressuring Russia to end the war in the neighboring country.

The meeting, which takes place in the luxurious Burgenstock resort, started with a plenary session on Saturday afternoon, which will be followed by a dinner.

On Sunday, three topics will be addressed in the working groups: nuclear security, freedom of navigation and food security, as well as humanitarian issues, especially the fate of Ukrainian children deported to Russia.

But the absence of Moscow's powerful allies, such as China, could diminish the potential impact of the meeting.

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