
Moscow Fire: 9 Dead in High-Rise Blaze

Nine people died in a fire near Moscow in Fryazino, according to preliminary reports. The fire broke out in a nine-story building around 4:00 p.m., as reported by BBC.

Moscow region governor Andrei Vorobyov stated that the blaze initially engulfed floors 5-7. The fire was classified as a third-degree incident, signifying a high level of severity.

However, the fire spread quickly. Soon, floors 5-8 of the building were also engulfed in flames. Later in the evening, TASS agency, citing operational sources, reported that four floors of the building had been completely destroyed by fire.

An explosion also occurred while firefighters were battling the blaze, agencies reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. The cause of the explosion was a gas cylinder. The ministry reported that high temperatures and dense smoke hampered the efforts of firefighters and rescuers.

Two Ka-32 helicopters and over 100 personnel were involved in fighting the fire in Fryazino. Sixteen ambulances were on standby near the burning building.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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