
Third Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Trilateral foreign affairs meeting will take place in Chisinau

The Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Trilateral foreign affairs meeting will be held in Chisinau at the end of this week. During the event, the foreign ministers will discuss collaboration in the field of energy and infrastructure, and will synchronize their agendas. The statements were made by the Moldovan foreign minister, Mihai Popșoi, in the “La 360 de grade” show on Radio Moldova.

"It's a good opportunity to see what's going well, what we can improve, so that we capitalize on the close relations we have, including in trilateral format, not just in bilateral formats. In fact, we are at the highest point of bilateral relations, both with Bucharest and with Kiev. This trilateral format helps us to synchronize our actions in the context of regional collaboration, despite the difficulties we have," said Foreign Minister Mihail Popșoi.

We mention that the Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Trilateral foreign affairs meeting was launched in 2022 at the initiative of Minister Bogdan Aurescu, with the objective of strengthening cooperation between the three neighboring states, both in the current context marked by the illegal, unprovoked and unjustified aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the multidimensional crises affecting Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as well as in the perspective of establishing a long-term dialogue and coordination mechanism.

The first edition of the Trilateral meeting took place on September 15, 2022, in Odesa, and benefited from the participation of energy ministers and representatives of energy companies from the three states. During the discussions, the emphasis was placed on the immediate support measures necessary for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to face the cold season, but also on long-term measures to strengthen their energy security, with an emphasis on regional interconnection, considering the need to combat the use of energy for geopolitical purposes.

The second Trilateral meeting took place on April 13, 2023, in Bucharest, at the level of foreign ministries, which was focused on security issues, and benefited from the participation of the ministers of defense from the three states. At the end of the trilateral meeting in foreign - defense format, a Joint Declaration was signed by the six representatives of Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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