
Premier Energy launches an app through which consumers can check their electricity compensation amounts

Premier Energy has launched an app, through which household consumers can check the amount of compensations, starting in November, which are reflected in the bill issued in December.

To check the compensation amounts, the number of the place of consumption on the electricity bill must be indicated. We remind you that recently the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) approved changes to several normative acts, which provide for the prohibition of disconnections from the network during the cold period of the year for household consumers with high and very high energy vulnerability. We remind that the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection officially launched the national program, "Ajutor la contor" on October 12, 2022, and aims to compensate for electricity, natural gas and thermal energy tariffs during the cold period of the year. To cover these compensations, the Government has allocated five billion lei, an amount twice as large as that of the previous year's Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund. By mid-December, about 700,000 applications for compensation had been submitted.

Ionela Golban

Ionela Golban


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