
PCCOCS Details Joint Searches in Kidnapping Case

PCCOCS provides details regarding the searches conducted on July 19 in Romania and Moldova in connection with a criminal case initiated for the kidnapping of a man from Bucharest.

According to the source, three Moldovans from Chișinău and Leova are also implicated in this case.

PCCOCS states that the Moldovans, along with a group of Romanian citizens, allegedly kidnapped the young man from the parking lot of a residential building in Bucharest, then beat him and robbed him of several valuable items. The incident was reported by the building's security guard, who found the victim abandoned in the street.

Following the detention of two suspects in Romania, a rogatory commission was established and sent to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Moldova, which assigned its execution to PCCOCS prosecutors. The joint searches were conducted in Galați, Romania, as well as in Chișinău and Leova.

Thus, from two suspects in our country, items relevant to the criminal investigation were seized, including the clothing of one used in the commission of the crime, mobile phones, a bank card, and a draft note. One of the suspects refused to provide DNA samples, necessitating coercive measures to obtain and send them to Romania for examination.

The third individual managed to leave the country.

The investigations by the Romanian authorities are ongoing.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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