
Romania's new school year: Mobile phone ban and career portfolios required

Approximately three million preschoolers and students in Romania commence the new school year today, September 9.

Sursa: imagine-simbol

This year introduces several changes that will be implemented from the start. Effective immediately, mobile phones are prohibited during class hours, detention rooms will be established for students who disrupt classes, and the behaviour grade, assigned at the end of each term, will be reduced by one point for every 20 unexcused absences, according to Radio România Actualități.

Starting this year, students from grades I through XII in Romanian schools will be required to maintain a personal career portfolio. This portfolio will include all academic results, diplomas, certificates, documents related to various activities, and recommendations from teachers.

For students in grade XII (day classes) and grade XIII (evening and reduced attendance), the school year will conclude on June 6, 2025. Graduates of grade VIII will complete their courses on June 13. For high school classes in the technological branch (excluding terminal classes) and vocational education classes, the school year will end on June 27, 2025.

Detention Rooms for Students

In the current school year, students who disrupt classes may be moved to a designated room under the supervision of a teaching staff member or an auxiliary staff member.

No Mobile Phones During Classes

Throughout the school day, students' mobile phones must be placed in a secure area, specifically designated in each classroom, with access limited to the class teacher or the school director. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the mobile phone being confiscated by the teaching or auxiliary staff and returned at the end of the school day.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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