
Dramatic toll in Europe: 16 dead as a result of the devastating floods

Central and Eastern Europe is on high alert due to devastating floods caused by heavy rains, with the death toll of at least 16 people. Among the most affected countries are the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Romania, where authorities warn that the situation could become even worse.

Action Press / Pagube provocate de inundații în Vápenná, în nord-estul Republicii Cehe.
Sursa: Action Press / Pagube provocate de inundații în Vápenná, în nord-estul Republicii Cehe.

In Poland, the death toll has reached five, including a surgeon who drowned in the town of Nysa. Austria reports three victims, a firefighter and two men in their 70s and 80s, caught by water in their homes. The Czech Republic is experiencing massive flooding, with at least one dead and several missing.

Tens of thousands of people were evacuated across the region, including Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Heavy rains led to dams breaking, streets flooding and power outages. Officials and locals describe the situation as a "disaster of epic proportions".

The Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, declared a state of emergency and announced an aid fund worth more than 230 million euros for those affected. Also, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his solidarity, stressing that Germany is ready to provide help.

Emergency crews are working non-stop to help with evacuations and to reinforce dams. However, in some localities, water levels continue to rise, threatening homes and infrastructure. The mayor of Ostrava, Czech Republic, described the situation as worse than the devastating floods of 1997.

The Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, said that the country will mobilize to restore the affected areas. In the village of Pechea in Galati, the water destroyed houses, taking with it animals and household items. The situation remains critical in many regions, and the European authorities continue to monitor the evolution of the floods. In Romania, 7 people died, over 500 houses were damaged, and about 40 schools are closed.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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