
CSM approved the request of the General Prosecutor for criminal proceedings against some judges

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) approved the request of the General Prosecutor, Ion Munteanu, regarding the undertaking of criminal investigations against certain judges, including raids, detention, forced bringing, and preventive arrest. The decision was made following today's meeting, March 19, which was held behind closed doors.

Thus, criminal proceedings may be started against four judges. In the case of three of them, the prosecutor's action is based on suspicions of passive political corruption. In the case of the fourth judge, the suspicions concern passive political corruption, but also conflict of interest. The General Prosecutor even requested the arrest of the magistrate in this case.

Members Maria Frunze, Ioana Chironeț and Livia Mitrofan had separate opinions regarding the detention of the judges in question. The names of the magistrates were not made public due to the secrecy of the investigation. Copies of the decisions will be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office and the judges.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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