Parliament starts a new contest for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy
A new competition for the position of judge within the Superior Council of Magistracy, from among civil society, was launched today by the Legal Commission, Appointments and Immunities, of the Parliament. The deadline for submitting files for candidates is May 5, 2023, 2 p.m. This was announced by the Main Consultant of the Parliamentary Commission, Mihai Gheorghieș.
"The competition for the selection of three candidates for the position of member of the Superior Council of the Magistracy started. The Regulation is approved with reference to the conduct of the competition on the part of the Parliament for the position of member of the CSM. The conditions of the competition will be published on the website of the Parliament", said Gheorghieș.
The commission members will meet in session between May 10-12, to select the candidates, who will later be proposed for evaluation within the pre-vetting Commission, after the list is approved by the Parliament.
We remind you that, previously, out of 12 non-judge candidates submitted by the Parliament to the pre-vetting Commission, only 3 were selected for the position of magistrates at the Superior Council of Magistracy.