
Moldova approves winter plan to ensure smooth heating season

Moldova's authorities have approved a winter plan that includes a range of measures to ensure a smooth heating season, said State Secretary at the Ministry of Energy Constantin Borosan.

He also said that measures to mitigate any potential exceptional situations are in place and will be monitored by several inter-ministerial committees.

“All energy infrastructure must be repaired before the season starts, spare parts must be stored in sufficient quantities in case of various situations, reserve fuels and other 20 mitigation measures in case of an exceptional situation, including the use of natural gas from stocks,” Borosan said.

According to the Ministry of Energy official, Moldova has secured natural gas stocks in storage facilities in Romania and Ukraine, and these continue to be replenished.

Constantin Borosan also mentioned the national integrated energy and climate plan, which the authorities are currently working on. According to him, this document will justify the long-term development goals of Moldova in terms of renewable energy, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy infrastructure.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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